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What is Algorithm and how to write with ease?

What is Algorithm and how to write with ease?

You will not know what is algorithm, and if you do not know it, then you will not know how to write algorithm. But today I will try to give you some more information along with the answer to both your questions, which will be related to Algorithm.

Every day we get up at work as soon as we wake up in the morning. From the beginning to the completion of each work, some steps are followed. Every task is like a problem for you and the solution to the problem is found by working. To solve, we set a sequence.


Let's understand with an example, "You have to make tea", so to complete this work, we need to follow some sequence. In the same way, if you are making bread, then to follow this work, you also follow some steps. Steps to make the following tea are given.


  1. First of all, put water in a vessel and heat it.
  2. Add tea leaves, sugar and milk to the water.
  3. Wait till the tea boils.
  4. Turn off the gas and sieve the tea.
  5. Tea is ready, now you can drink it.

We can call this example above Algorithm. Because it is in a sequence. If you change any order, tea will not be made. Possible should not become something else. By now you must have had a slight idea of ​​what Algorithm is. Your question is, "How does it work in Computer".

In order for the computer to perform certain tasks, computer programs are written. Now we write a lot of steps in the Computer Program. The steps that Computer Execute performs and finishes the task.

When you tell the computer some work, then you must have also wondered how the computer does these tasks. For this we use Computer Algorithm. So let's know from bed what is algorithm.


Topic sequence

  • ·       What is Algorithm
  • ·       Uses / Importance Of Algorithm
  • ·       Characteristics of Algorithm
  • ·       The complexity of Algorithm
  • ·       How to write algorithm
  • ·       what did you learn today
  • ·       What is Algorithm

What is Algorithm ?

Algorithm (Al-go-rith-um) This is a Procedure (Step by Step Process) or it is a Formula. Which solves a problem. This is a procedure that has limited rules, which are also called Instruction.


What is Algorithm and how to write with ease?

The rules which are written one after the other and each of the steps shows some or some operation. Solutions to the problem come out through these rules.


In other words, Algorithm is a step by step process to solve any problem or problem. Now we understand in a slightly simpler language Algorithm contains some steps, in which each step represents an operation.


One step starts and finally there is one step which ends and between these two steps there are many more steps which do different tasks.


Like, making rice is your problem. To finish this task, let's write a few steps. First the rice has to be washed, then, heat the water and to heat the water, pour the rice in it and wait for the rice to boil.


Prepare rice in 10-15 minutes. Now here every step performs some operation. For example, washing rice is washed by adding water to the cooked rice. Every such step has different operations. See here, we have divided the problem into small steps, this is what you had to understand.


Algorithm is used a lot in programming. So let's know from bed how and where they are used.


Uses / Importance Of Algorithm

Algorithm is used everywhere, like you can also answer the problems of your every day through this step by step process. Technically speaking, more is used in IT industry, business model, programming. So let's know about its uses one by one.


In Computer Programming, Algorithm is written before writing the program. If you are a student of Computer Sc, IT, BCA and MCA, then you have to write a program. Like Check whether the Number is Prime and Not? If you start writing this program without thinking, then you can get to see a lot of errors in the Syed program. You can reduce these errors if you first create the algorithm.

Algorithm is written before creating flowchart. Otherwise chances of making mistakes increases.

Computer Scientist and Software Engineer use it. Because its use reduces their time and dignity. For example, a software company has to develop an app for SBI. Now this is a problem for software engineer, the solution will be by writing step by step. If there is a problem or mistake, then the solution is found there. Which is easy to develop application.

Like Search Engine, Facebook, google map Shortest Path, Rating, Searching something all work through this algorithm.

It would be used to solve Mathematical Problem Solve, like take a small example. You have to find a number –ve or + ve ?. Your mind must have come to the answer immediately that you can tell by looking at the + and - signs. But you will understand this, but how will the computer understand. For this, you have to write the algorithm. If a number is greater than 0, it is + ve Number and if


Is less than 0, so that is number –ve number.

It is also needed to write Pseudo Code or else Pseudocode has to be rewritten.

You can also solve the problems of personal life. Like I have to get up early tomorrow morning. First of all, how to write its steps 1. I want to sleep fast. 2. Alarm is to be kept away. 3. Now go to sleep. 4. If you wake up in the morning, then wake up and stop the alarm. 5. Go to the mouth. The 5. Work Finishing Steps are also an Algorithm. (This example is taken to explain)

AI, space research, robotics are used a lot in all these fields.

This was the question, why should Algorithm, this question was something like this, why do we work? It is very important to have a process to finish every work properly.


Characteristics of Algorithm

You know this Algorithm is a step by step procedure. Which makes it clear that the steps will be executed in which order we can get the Desired Output. Algorithm is analyzed through two factors. Such as Time and Space.


Time tells how long it will take to write Algorithm and from Space it shows how much time we can write. Now, let's talk about its characteristics.


Unambiguous - Whatever algorithm you write, it is very important to be clear and sound. Every step or line must have some meaning.

Finiteness- Each algorithm should be finished within a few limited steps. And every step should be Finite ie limited bar Repaet. Exection of steps should also be for limited time. Every step must have some meaning.

Input - Every algorithm must have more than six steps than O or O.

Output - Just as every Algorithm has an Input Step, so should the Algorithm's Output Step. The output should also come to that for which we are written.

Effectiveness - Effectiveness is estimated from time and space. If the algorithm is written in short time and space. Or execute in a short time and run in less space is called Effectiveness.

According to the data structure, all these should be important categories.


So that search-item can be easily searched in DATA Structure.

Sort - Order a list or do Sorting.

Insert the algorithm into the Insert– data Structure.

Update - Have the fame to update the item through AlGORITHM.

Do not hesitate to delete the item data structure from Delete - Algorithm.

The complexity of Algorithm

Complexity of Algorithm has been classified taking into account two factors. One Time Complexity and the other Space Complexity.


Time Complexity:

The time it takes to run the program.


Space Complexity:

The amount of space a program needs to execute within a computer is called Space Complexity.


How to write algorithm

It is very easy to write it, you do not need to learn much. You would know that there were an example in starting where one can make the tea.


In the same way you have to write Step by Step. Programming is more needed than Algorithm. You can also write Direct or you can also write using some rules.


Rules like Start, Input, Output, Read, Variable, Display, Stop. Take a look at the example given below, which you will find easy to understand.


Example: 1

Q1. Enter two numbers and remove the sum of both the numbers.


Each algorithm has Start and End as Stop / End type like below.

After this, see how many Variables are required or what to input. For example, to sum the two numbers below, 3 Variables are required. Num1 for the first number, Num2 for the second number and sum variable Num1 + num2 for storing. So you should think about these variables and start writing.

Now there will be some steps where we have to do Arithmetic Operation like +, -, ×, ÷ and some logical operation like Comparision Operation, True False, Output O (false) and 1 (True). You know Arithmetic (+, -, ×, ÷) and you have to know as an example of Logical. "Largest Number among 2 Number" so here you will compare both numbers. Using these symbols, ">, <,> =, <=,! =".

Now finally, the result that comes, you can display it by writing Display and in the last step write Stop or End. Now understand this example carefully.

Step 1: Start // Step started


Step 2: Declare variables num1, num2 and sum. // Create num1, num2, sum variable where any number will be stored


Step 3: Read values ​​num1 and num2. // When the number is entered from the keyboard, it will be read here


Step 4: Add num1 and num2 and assign the result to sum.

Sum = num1 + num2 // The sum of two numbers will be stored in Sum.


Step 5: Display sum // display sum


Step 6: Stop // Finish


Now try to understand by looking at some more examples.


Example: 2-Algorithm for Factorial of the Numbers.

Step 1. Start

Step 2. Read the number n

Step 3. [Initialize] i = 1, fact = 1

Step 4. Repeat step 4 through 6 until i = n

Step 5. fact = fact * i

Step 6. i = i + 1

Step 7. Print fact

Step 8. Stop


what did you learn today J

I always try to ensure that you get the correct and accurate and complete Information. I hope you have understood what the algorithm is (Algorithm in ).


Perhaps the next time you write, remember these few things - how much Variable do you need in the program and Compute what to do Which cone has to be operated. Which will be easy to write. Those who do the work never lose.


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